Healing Stress, Anxiety, Depression & Pain -
Precursors to Disease
In Your Practice & In Your Life
with Classical Chinese Medicine Daoist Style
Special Applications of Master Tung's Holographic
Jeff Nagel, MA, LAc
April 21-22, 2018
Denver Marriott Westminster
7000 Church Ranch Boulevard
Westminster, CO 80021
Direct: 720.550.4856 | Fax: 720.887.1199
Classical Chinese Medicine traditions raise the question: What causes and promotes health and vitality and not just dis-ease? Some of the most effective answers and solutions to this question will be covered in this class:
“7 parts patient lifestyle adjustment + 3 parts doctor’s treatment”
Teachings include:
· How to cultivate Relax & Calm Down Qigong Breathing & Taiji Ruler Heart Calming Qigong for patients and practitioners.
· Learn simple & effective methods of Acu-Touch Pulse for diagnosis & treatment.
· Learn how to use Internal-external herbal polarity-5 phase nutrition
· Learn practical clinical applications to diagnose and treat stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and pain before dis-ease sets in using Master Tung's Acupuncture and the 5 Phase Organ-Meridians and 12 Attitudes Method.
· Learn how to harmonize the emotions with Temporal Pulse Balancing, the “10 Essentials of Life” & Geopathic Medicine for stress-anxiety-depression-PTSD and pain.
These methods are practical and highly effective and can be implemented immediately in practice. The class will be taught through a combination of lecture, hands-on experience, and question & answer opportunities.
Bring your most difficult case studies to class for group feedback and applied practical clinical applications.
About the Teacher:
Jeff Nagel, MA, LAc. is trained in the 8 Branches of Chinese Daoist Healing Arts, Medicine, Internal Martial Arts & Life Sciences. He is an experienced, long time practitioner, teacher, and researcher of acupuncture-Oriental Medicine and a qigong cultivator.
Jeff has studied extensively with several well-known masters and doctors including Daoist Grand Master Share K. Lew of the Yellow Dragon Monastery in China. He is a well seasoned generous teacher-researcher and has studied extensively with several well-known masters and doctors including Daoist Grand Master Share K. Lew, the 23rd generation of the Yellow Dragon Monastery, China. He is designated as a practitioner and teacher by the AAAOM Pioneers & Leaders in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine acknowledging his contributions to the field. He has taught at a number of state national and international conferences.
Jeff lives in San Diego, CA where he has a private practice and is the director and a teacher with the Golden Dragon Health Association offering classes in Classical Chinese Medicine Daoist Style and qigong around the US and abroad.
AAC CEP #882
Category 1 for California CEUs
The conference will be held at:
Marriott Westminster
7000 Church Ranch Blvd., Westminster, CO 80021
The AAC has arranged room rates of $119/night beginning Friday, April 20th.
Please make your reservations before Saturday, April 1
to guarantee a room at this rate.
Click here to book your room
The Conference Schedule
Saturday, April 21st
7:30AM – 8:30AM Registration / Visit Exhibitors & Silent Auction Booth
8:30AM – 10:30AM Jeff Nagel – lecture and demonstrations
10:30AM – 11:00AM Break
11:00AM – 12:30PM Jeff Nagel – lecture and demonstrations
12:30PM – 2:00PM Complimentary Lunch / AAC Annual Meeting
2:00PM – 4:00PM Jeff Nagel – lecture and demonstrations
4:00PM – 4:30PM Break
4:30PM – 6:30PM Jeff Nagel – lecture and demonstrations
6:30PM – 8:00PM Membership Mixer- Complimentary Beer & Wine
Evening Reception
Sunday, April 22nd
8:00AM – 8:30AM Visit Exhibitors / Silent Auction Booth Closes
8:30AM – 10:00AM Jeff Nagel – lecture and demonstrations
10:00AM – 10:30AM Break
10:30AM – 12:00PM Jeff Nagel – lecture and demonstrations
12:00PM – 1:00PM Complimentary Lunch / Silent Auction Items Awarded
1:00PM – 3:00PM Jeff Nagel – lecture and demonstrations
3:00PM – 3:30PM Break
3:30PM – 5:00PM Jeff Nagel – lecture and demonstrations
Please click "Register" bottom, left-hand column
THE FINE PRINT: All requests for cancellation must be received in writing (may be via fax or e-mail) at the AAC office no later than March 23, 2018 to be eligible for a refund. There will be a $25.00 processing fee deducted from your refund and all refunds will be issued after the event. Cancellation requests between March 23, 2018 and April 6, 2018 will receive a 50% refund or the remainder after a $75.00 processing fee. All cancellations received after April 6, 2018 will not be eligible for a refund.