AAC offers opportunities to post ads for the acupuncture community to advertise office space, employment opportunities, etc. Please look at the options below to choose the one that suits your needs.
Professional Annual Members:
Option A: $50 - Posted on the website for one month (no E-Blast or Social Media Post)
Option B: $85 - Posted on the website for one month, plus (1) E-Blast AND (1) Social Media Post
Option C: $200 - Posted on the website for one month, plus (4) weekly E-Blast AND (4) weekly Social Media Posts
Non-Members, Associate members and monthly members:
Option D: $100 - Posted on the website for one month, no E-Blast or Social Media Post
Option E: $170 - Posted on the website for one month, plus (1) E-Blast OR (1) Social Media Post
Option F: $285 - Posted on the website for one month, plus (4) E-Blast AND (4) Social Media Post over 4 weeks
* Bonus - Every quarterly newsletter will contain designated links to classified ads as well
Send the ad, (300 to 500 words), or flyer you want, your logo and 3 quality photographs to info@acucol.com and pay using the "Click Here to Donate" tab at the top of the page. {If you would like to post the ad again after one month, another donation is required.}
Click on the "Donate" button, and type your option choice in the "Comments" box.