Lonny Jarrett at the 33rd Annual Acupuncture Association of Colorado Conference at the Marriott Westminster
Lonny Jarrett
The AAC is pleased to announce Lonny Jarrett will be joining us in Denver April 23-24, 2016 at the Westminster Marriott for a two-day seminar entitled Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine: Untying the Knot.
About the class: In this class Lonny will discuss how to diagnose and treat trauma with Chinese medicine. We will consider the heart/kidney axis as the physiological foundation of stability and how to restore integrity to this most important relationship. Lonny will emphasize the importance of the practitioner's awareness of the dimension of self that is never wounded or traumatized as a gold standard in diagnosis and treatment. In this regard, the practitioner's own integrity will be considered as the root of efficacy in treatment. The class will be rooted in an appreciation of the core dimensions and capacities of the self, including the spirit, ego, emptiness, soul, conscience, and the will.
About Lonny: Lonny S. Jarrett, M. Ac., author of Nourishing Destiny, The Inner Tradition of Chinese Medicine and The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine has been practicing in Stockbridge, Massachusetts since 1986. He is a founding board member of the Acupuncture Society of Massachusetts and a Fellow of the National Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He holds a master's degree in neurobiology and a fourth-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He was recently featured in the text, "The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling" by best-selling author Stephen Cope. Lonny hosts NourishingDestiny.com, an online community for 3000 practitioners of Chinese medicine worldwide.
The Conference Schedule
Saturday, April 23
7:30 – 8:30 Registration / Visit Exhibitors & Silent Auction Booth
8:30– 10:30 Lonny Jarrett Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine: Untying the Knot
10:30 – 11:00 Break
11::00 – 12:30 Lonny Jarrett Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine: Untying the Knot
12:30 – 2:00 Complimentary Lunch / Acupuncture Association of Colorado Annual Meeting
2:00 – 4:00 Lonny Jarrett Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine: Untying the Knot
4:00 – 4:30 Break
4:30 – 6:30 Lonny Jarrett Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine: Untying the Knot
6:30 – 7:30 Complimentary Evening Reception
Sunday, April 24
8:00 – 8:30 Visit Exhibitors / Silent Auction Closes
8:30– 10:00 Lonny Jarrett Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine: Untying the Knot
10:00 – 10:30 Break
10:30 – 12:00 Lonny Jarrett Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine: Untying the Knot
12:00 – 1:00 Complimentary Lunch / Silent Auction Items Awarded
1:00 – 3:00 Lonny Jarrett Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine: Untying the Knot
3:00 – 3:30 Break
3:30 – 5:00 Lonny Jarrett Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine: Untying the Knot
Venue / Lodging
The conference will be held at Marriott Westminster, 7000 Church Ranch Blvd., Westminster, CO 80021
- The AAC has arranged room rates of $119/night beginning Friday, April 22nd.
- Please make your reservation before Tuesday, March 22nd to guarantee a room at this rate.
Click here to book your room
Please click here for more information and to register!
Message from the President: Dry Needling, Injectables and the ASA
Kimberley Benjamin
Hello and Happy New Year! We are so excited to have Lonny Jarrett coming to our conference to share his knowledge with us. Please reserve your place early, as last year we sold out and we want everyone who would like to learn from him to have the opportunity to do so.
Dry Needling: The AAC continues to explore the very important and current topic of Dry Needling. Research of safety issues as well as historic legislative and policy documents is costly. If you would like to contribute to the cause please see our T-shirt campaign below and/or contact me directly at President@acucol.com or (970) 214-6683. We will give you a full report on this topic at our annual meeting in April. Even if you can’t attend the entire conference please join us for our annual meeting 1:00 - 2:00 on Saturday, April 23rd at the Westminster Marriott.
Injectables: We continue to work on obtaining the right to procure injectables following the passage of our bill last spring. The process has been long and intricate, involving several stakeholders. We have participated in meetings leading to DORA preparing a list of allowed injectable substances, rules for training and proposed changes to the pharmacy practice act that will enable us to purchase compounded substances again from in-state companies such as College Pharmacy.
List of proposed substances:
(1) Dextrose; (2) d-glucose; (3) Enzymes except urokinase; (4) Glucose; (4) Homeopathic Substances (to only include those that are within the US Pharmacopia); (5) Hyaluronic Acid; (6) Minerals; (7) Saline; (8) Sarapin; (9) Sodium chloride; (9) Sterile water; (10) Traumeel; (11) Vitamins; (12) Cyanocobalamin; (13) Lidocaine; (14) Marcaine (Bupivacaine Hydrochloride) with or without epinephrine; (15) Oriental Herbs; (16) Procaine; and (17) Vitamin B-12.
There are additional substances that were not specifically listed previously. For work with oriental herbs injectables, practitioners must have completed herbal training and be a NCCAOM Oriental Medicine diplomate or be California certified. Practitioners also need to maintain current First Aid and Basic Life Support CPR certification and be trained in the use of oxygen and intramuscular epinephrine. One only needs to be trained in oxygen and IM epi for the substances known to have adverse reactions (12-17), and be trained in herbs for injecting herbs. Proposed change to the pharmacy practice act:
(a) An in-state prescription drug outlet shall only distribute a compounded product to:
(1) Practitioners licensed and located in Colorado and authorized by law to prescribe the drug
(2) Colorado licensed/registered acupuncturists, direct-entry midwives, or naturopathic doctors who are located in Colorado and authorized by law to obtain the drug.
The Director of DORA has up to six months from our last meeting on October 23rd to sign the rules into effect. So it could be as late as April before we are able to obtain injectables again. We will continue to keep you apprised of our progress on this subject. Make sure you are following us on Facebook and are signed up for our Yahoo Group to get the most timely updates.
ASA: The next American Society of Acupuncturists meeting will be held March 3rd and 4th in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The AAC will be sending two representatives to participate. This important newly-formed national organization helps keep our fingers on the pulse of AOM issues and to have a voice in the progress of our profession nationally and globally. Because the AAC is a member organization of the ASA, AAC members get free issues of the peer-reviewed Meridians Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. See the announcement below about the winter issue, ready now for download.
Thank you for your continued support and membership, and I look forward to seeing you at the conference in April.
Kimberley Benjamin, L.Ac., Dipl. OM
President, AAC Board of Directors
President@acucol.com (970) 214-6683
Order Your Year of the Monkey T-Shirt by January 24th!
The beneficial effects of Acupuncture have gained recognition among other health professionals, but are still largely misunderstood by insurance companies and law makers. The AAC is working to keep Acupuncture safe and legal in Colorado. Our efforts at this critical time in our profession are costly. You can support Acupuncture and Oriental medicine in our state by purchasing this cool T-shirt that celebrates the Year of the Monkey. Please help us reach our first goal of 50 t-shirts before January 24th. You should then receive your shirt by February 11th. (There is a $5 shipping fee in addition to the cost of the shirt.) You may also make an additional or separate donation to our cause. Thank you for your support!
Click Here to Purchase your T-shirt!
Finance Report: Stretching our Funds and Looking for Our Next Treasurer
Katie Robinette
The association is doing well with its limited funding, however we still needed to dip into our savings in 2015. A large portion of our budget goes to paying our lobbyist, Leo Boyle, who has been working on our behalf for over a decade. He is a seasoned professional, is well-known and well-liked at the capitol and we couldn’t have passed our injectables bill without him. We were able to negotiate a lower base rate with him for 2016, which will increase if he needs to take legislative measures for us. We are continuing to pay the attorneys who researched and drafted our injection therapy bill on a monthly payment plan.
Our continued research of the Dry Needling issue is expensive. We would also like to have enough funds for educational outreach to the public about the benefits (safety and otherwise) of seeing a licensed acupuncturist, and we have discussed hiring an executive director to help our all-volunteer board represent you more effectively and efficiently. However, our funds are currently stretched to the max. Please help us to increase our membership by spreading the word about how active our association truly is and also see the T-shirt campaign in this newsletter. We also hope you will attend our annual conference, which not only provides CEUs and sense of community for Colorado acupuncturists, but is also a fundraising opportunity for your professional association.
The Acupuncture Association of Colorado is looking for their next Treasurer. You can be a part of the executive team of the AAC and help the board to protect and advance the acupuncture profession in Colorado. Bookkeeping skills are a plus, but the association does have bookkeepers. As the current treasurer, I will give you thorough training and will be your teammate until you feel comfortable in your new role. Would you like to join a dynamic group of people working for positive change? If you have any questions or would like to discuss the possibilities, please email me at Treasurer@acucol.com. Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Katie Robinette, L.Ac., Dipl. OM
Treasurer, AAC Board of Directors
Your Free Winter Issue of the Meridians Journal is Ready for Download!
The winter issue, v. 3 no. 1, of Meridians: The Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is now online! This and all issues of the peer-reviewed, Medline compliant journal are available free to you as a valuable benefit of being an AAC member. To access your download just click on “Register” to create a new account at their website and self-certify that you are a member of a State Association. You will be able to place an “order” for the zero-cost PDF downloads. You do not have to do this for each issue, just the first time. After initially registering, all you have to do is log in when a new issue is uploaded.
If you have any questions about access to the online issues, please feel free to contact the webmaster, Brian Smither, at webmaster@meridiansjaom.com. He will be happy to assist you so you can read this issue and all issues of Meridians JAOM.
Clinical Pearls Call for Submissions: How Do You Treat Erectile Dysfunction in Your Clinic?
Practitioners, please submit your short (approx. 500 words) clinical pearl addressing this topic by or before February 1, 2016. Preview the Submission Details at the MJAOM website and submit to: cpeditor@meridiansjaom.com __________________________________
Making the Case for Acupuncture Instead of Opiates
Brittney Chowning
Chinese medicine is a beautiful and natural way to approach health and healing. One of the most notable and well-researched applications of acupuncture treatment is to relieve pain. Any kind of discomfort can be considered pain, including physical and emotional. As many of us are aware, our current society has a quick-fix mentality. When we have acid regurgitation we are prescribed a pill, when we are in pain we are prescribed a pill, when we are depressed…and so on. This method has led us down a rabbit hole leading to addiction, dis-ease and overdose. In the state of Colorado alone an average of thirty five people die from opiate use each month. As practitioners of Oriental Medicine it is our duty not only to treat those that come to us for healing but to educate them and our communities about healthier ways of living.
Joe Brady, L.Ac. and Jacqui Shumway, M.A. of the Young Living Institute in Denver are preparing a report to present later this month to the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing demonstrating that Chinese medicine is more effective than opiates in treating pain. Their goal is to persuade the CHCPF to encourage health care organizations to revise their strategies for the treatment of pain to include approaches such as acupuncture and other traditional therapies as a viable alternative to opiate prescriptions. They have been collecting high-quality research articles showing the effectiveness of acupuncture, Chinese herbs and adjunct therapies such as moxibustion, cupping and gua sha in the treatment of pain as evidence for this report. As healers we ultimately want to extend our wealth of knowledge of health and wellbeing to those that may not have had access to this kind of information. This progression is invaluable to the acupuncture profession and to the communities we serve. As we endeavor to educate and influence the institutions charged with caring for the public’s health we are headed towards a healthier and more productive future for the citizens of Colorado. If you are aware of any research articles, white papers or position papers that could be useful in the presentation, please e-mail me at studentrep@acucol.com at your earliest opportunity. Thank you.
Brittney Chowning, CSTCM Student
AAC Student Representative
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