Dry Needling Update, Conference, Dāo Needle Class & Other AAC News
Message from the President: Dry Needling & Injection Therapy Updates
Mark VanOtterloo

Dear members, friends and supporters:
On behalf of your volunteer board of directors, we are thankful for your support as we advocate for your right to practice Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) in the state of Colorado and to advance the reputation of Acupuncture as a safe and effective healthcare option. We are informing the public and policy makers with an accurate and unified voice for the practice of TEAM as the use of holistic medicines continues to grow.
We are only as strong as our membership, so please spread the word to your fellow acupuncturists and supporters to join. The membership numbers and donations that we receive from you are the basis of our strength. If you are not yet a member, or your membership has lapsed, please take a moment now to join us.
Join Now
Dry Needling
I am excited to inform you that our lawyers have submitted to the court what we hope will be our final round of legal briefing in our lawsuit to overturn the Colorado PT Board’s rule authorizing dry needling. If we win, Colorado would become the first state to have an existing dry needling regulation legally overturned. We need your help today to raise the funding that we need to see this precedent-setting lawsuit through to the end. While we have already defeated the PT’s Board’s motion to dismiss our case, and also defeated the Physical Therapy Association’s motion to intervene in the case, our final hurdle is to win the court’s agreement that Colorado statute quite simply does not allow physical therapists to insert acupuncture needles. A big thank you to those of you who have already generously donated. If you haven’t yet had a chance, please take a minute now and make a contribution online to protect the safety of Acupuncture patients today and into the future. Also, see the article about the 15 CEU Dāo Needle Certification class later in this newsletter–part of the proceeds will benefit our Legal Fund.
Donate Now
Procuring Substances for Injection Therapy
From 1999 until 2014 acupuncturists were using DORA’s Director's Policy regarding what substances where permissible to use. While some substances were listed, it contained the line: "Injection therapy is the injection of sterile herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathics, or other similar-type substances into acupuncture points by means of hypodermic needles." Practitioners and pharmacies had some liberty with "other similar-type substances" when it came to ordering. Now that we are detailing all specific substances, we are running into the issue that specific types of injections that have been used for more than 15 years are now being denied access due to conflicts with Federal law.
In January of this year, we met with DORA regarding this subject and we are attempting to prepare a bill to add limited prescriptive authority to our practice act with the assistance of our new DORA Interim Program Director Abi Gaskins. We have also met with the Colorado Medical Society (CMS) Scope of Practice Subcommittee and are continuing to discuss with them language that will allow us to obtain these substances from FDA regulated outlets. We will continue to keep you apprised of our progress on injectables. Please “Like” the Acupuncture Association of Colorado’s Facebook page, click on “Follow” and turn on notifications by hovering over the “Following” button until a drop-down menu appears and select Notifications “All On”.
As always, thank you for your membership and continued support.
Mark VanOtterloo, DAOM, L.Ac., Dipl. OM
President, AAC Board of Directors
(970) 214-6683
Conference Chair Report: Last Call for Volunteers!
Erika Schultz

This year we will be celebrating our 35th year of bringing Acupuncturists from Colorado and around the country together for learning and connecting. As your new Conference Chairperson I am excited to be leading the charge on this and have been impressed by the enthusiasm expressed by past conference attendees.
Mark your calendar for April 21st - 22nd, 2018 when Jeff Nagel, MA, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. will be our presenter at the 35th annual conference. Jeff is trained in the 8 Branches of Chinese Daoist Healing Arts, Medicine, Internal Martial Arts and Life Sciences. He is an experienced long-time practitioner, well-seasoned and generous teacher-researcher of AOM, and a Qigong cultivator and healer. People who have learned from Jeff in the past have raved about him, and he was very high on the list of requested instructors by last year’s attendees.
This is an excellent opportunity to get involved. The conference is one of our largest fundraising events all year and we have some even more exciting ideas for increasing these efforts. Do you want to be a part of it? Do you want to make a contribution to the future of acupuncture in your state?
This is our LAST CALL for committee volunteers. We are the verge of forming teams of people who will make an important contribution to this year’s conference. If you want to take part please text your name, email and phone number to me at (720) 460-0766 by Friday October 20th, 2017, and we will include you in our Kick-off Meeting to be scheduled this month.
We expect that his conference will be outstanding on every level, and are looking forward to having you join us.
Kind regards,
Erika Schultz, L.Ac., Dipl. OM, CAN
Conference Chair, AAC Board of Directors
(720) 460-0766

Dāo Needle Class November 11th – 12th in Boulder:
A New Style of Acupuncture and Acupuncture Needle
15 CEUs & A Portion of Class Proceeds
Will Benefit the AAC Legal Fund!
Dāo Needle Therapy is a unique modality that bridges ancient east Asian techniques and modern biomechanical therapies. Its therapeutic basis lies in biomechanical tests to identify musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and fascial imbalances; patient positioning to allow better access to dysfunctional tissue and a more effective treatment; and dynamic palpation to evaluate mobility, motility, and mechanical threshold of tissue. A specialized needle is used to break up scar tissue, change the mechanical threshold of ashi points, remodel tissue and break the muscle energy crisis. Dāo Needle Therapy brings Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian therapy into a new era.
Diagnostic Testing
Participants will learn a variety of advanced musculoskeletal diagnostic tests such as muscle testing, range of motion, movement analysis, functional tests, and advanced dynamic palpation. Participants will explore how to identify, map, and use the fascial system and its corresponding meridians, while developing a deeper understanding of how ashi points can be used as a diagnostic guide and therapeutic meter. Practitioners of Dāo Needle Therapy use biomechanical and postural tests to identify and mark a patient’s ashi points.
Original Modality
After marking a patient’s tender points in a specific area, practitioners insert and quickly remove a specialized needle. It is common that 90% of ashi points will no longer be tender immediately after treatment. The remaining points that are still tender are then needled one more time. This result-driven technique resets neurological responses and restores function to muscles. Dāo Needle Therapy will change the way you see and treat pain.
“I can honestly say that over the last 27 years of study and practice in this medicine, your training ranked high up on my list of all-time favorites. Your enthusiasm is contagious, your knowledge of the subject is broad and deep, and what’s impressive is how I feel after receiving Dāo Needle therapy. Often times, training can be superb, however devoid of real clinical results. This is definitely not the case with Dāo Needle Therapy! I would fully recommend your training series for any practitioner whether they have been in practice 2 days or 40 years."
- Greg Lane, DACM, LAC
Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Director of Clinical Services, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine
Completed San Diego Dāo Needle Course, 2017
A Unique Needle
Participants will learn the anatomy of the specialized acupuncture needle used in Dāo Needle Therapy. Its unique bevel edge allows for a different penetration into the skin. Similar to Biomedical Acupuncture, Dāo Needle Therapy creates a lesion in the soft tissue that then releases cytokine/chemokine and neuropeptides to initiate local acute inflammation, which activates local blood circulation. However, the needle penetration is very shallow compared to other acupuncture styles and is more focused on the fascial lines, ashi points (tender points), and their corresponding meridians.
Inventor and Instructor
Dāo Needle Therapy® was developed by Brian Bowen, L.Ac., CMT, PAS. He is the founder and owner of Integrative Health Inc., Dāo Needle Therapy®, and Outch Ointment.
During his 19 years in practice, Brian has specialized in musculoskeletal issues, collaborating with osteopaths, chiropractors, manual therapists and postural alignment specialists. He has studied neuro-muscular therapy, structural integration, myofascial release, active release technique, cranial sacral therapy, postural alignment therapy, functional movement repatterning, Dr. Tan method, dry needling, 5-Element and much more.
Please join us at the class and help us thank Brian for his generous offer to donate a portion of the proceeds of this class to the AAC Legal Fund!
Approved for 15 CEUs by NCCAOM and California
AAC Members receive 10% off registration. Discount code is on the Member Benefits page of Acucol.com.
(You must be logged in to see this page, which is under the Members tab of the Acupuncturists heading on the homepage. If you have trouble logging in, please contact Charissa at info@acucol.com (303) 572-8744.)
For questions about the class call (303) 577-9977 or email info@daoneedle.com.
Register at www.daoneedle.com

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) Day is October 24th!
Want a FREE Professionally-Designed Press Release for your clinic?
AOM Day is a great opportunity to raise awareness and generate interest in your practice. But it can only help you if you have the tools to maximize the opportunity. One way to make the most of this national holiday is to submit a PRESS RELEASE to your local news outlets to let them know how you are celebrating, such as with a special offer or event.
I teamed up with Felicia Slattery, Business Communication Coach, to create a professionally designed Press Release Template for AOM Day for my clinic that we are offering absolutely FREE to AAC members.
Don’t miss this easy marketing opportunity! Click here (and be sure you’re logged in) to see the free AOM press release, and adapt it to your clinic's AOM Day offers or activities.
(You must be logged in to see this page, which is under the Members/Membership Benefits tab of the Acupuncturists heading on the homepage. If you have trouble logging in, please contact Charissa at info@acucol.com or (303) 572-8744.)
There are more AOM Day marketing ideas available at http://aomday.org/get.html
We wish you a happy and successful AOM Day!
Erika F. Marie, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.
Public Relations Chair, AAC Board of Directors
(720) 593-1593
Support Your “TEAM” by Getting Involved!
Your Volunteer AAC Board of Directors
Would you like to help further Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) in Colorado? Join a committee! Several AAC committees are looking for members interested in helping us advance our profession. Have fun and support your all-volunteer AAC Board of Directors by joining a committee. For example, you could help coordinate the 2018 AAC Conference, assist with Fundraising, help increase Membership, or promote our profession through Public Relations. Contact Charissa, the AAC office manager at info@acucol.com with the subject line: "I want to help!" and she’ll get you to the right committee chairperson.
Call for Featured Guest Articles!
Do you write about Acupuncture or Traditional East Asian Medicine? Would you like to share your knowledge, drive traffic to your blog or clinic, and gain an online publication with us? Starting in January 2018, the AAC newsletter will be monthly instead of quarterly. Each month will include a “Featured Guest Article” written by one of our members. To submit an article, you must be a current dues-paying member of the AAC. To learn more, contact Erika F. Marie, Chair of Public Relations, at prchair@acucol.com with "AAC Featured Guest Article Submission" as your subject line.
Professional Spotlight: AAC PR Chair Presents at International CAM Meeting

Erika Fayina Marie, LAc., MSOM, Dipl. Ac., and AAC Public Relations Chair, traveled to North Carolina on September 18th, 2017, to present her scientific abstract for publication at the 5th International Meeting on Complementary and Alternative Medicine & Therapies. Her abstract and well-received breakout session, “Saving Organs and Restoring Lives with Integrative Medicine: The Treatment of an Infant with Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (DBA) and Her Mother with Immune Dysfunction and Kidney Failure,” illuminated the power of an integrative approach for "unbelievable" clinical results. Erika specializes in autoimmunity and other complex conditions at her clinic, Chiyu Center, located in Longmont, Colorado. She is also a professional speaker and would be happy to speak to your group about how to practice truly remarkable integrative care. Reserve time on her clinic or speaking schedule by calling (720) 593-1593 or emailing erika@chiyucenter.com.
Would you like to be the next AAC member featured in our “Professional Spotlight?” Contact Charissa, the AAC office manager, at info@acucol.com with your spotlight submission of 150 words or less. Don’t forget to include a photograph along with your clinic and contact information! Submit via the body of your email with the subject line: "Professional Spotlight".
The Fall Issue of Meridians Journal is Ready for Members!
The fall issue, v. 4 no. 4, of Meridians: The Journal of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is now available for AAC members to read on our website! Digital issues of this peer-reviewed, Medline compliant journal are available free to you as a valuable benefit of being an AAC member. Log in to read the Fall issue. (After logging in, scroll down under the Acupuncturists tab to Members, then select Meridians Journal at the bottom of the menu at right.) Having trouble logging in? Contact Charissa at info@acucol.com or (303) 572-8744.
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