Happy 2021 and the upcoming Year of the Ox!
This newsletter finds the AAC Board of Directors and committees working hard to make the upcoming year impactful and productive for acupuncturists as we enter in the heart of our Practice Act process. We are looking for acupuncturists who would like to volunteer on our subcommittees and for one volunteer to sit on our Legislative committee. If you have interest, please contact a board member or email info@acucol.com.
Please read through the rest of the newsletter for more useful information. Happy New Year!
Kacey Wardle, L.Ac.
President, AAC Board of Directors

Vaccine Update
Most counties have included acupuncturists specifically in phase 1B with other healthcare who regularly come within 6ft contact with patients. There is some confusion around acupuncturists getting vaccines in Phase 1B. So please be patient with county health departments and vaccine providers. Once you have an appointment, make sure you bring your license.
In general, we are finding that you can check with pharmacies at both Safeway and King Soopers and make appointments (be patient and check back often, spots seem to open up fairly randomly). We have also heard of many people successfully emailing their county health departments and giving the name of their clinic and requesting vaccines. Boulder County seems to currently not allow acupuncturists or massage therapists to receive the vaccine. We are very aware of this and working on it.
Acupuncturists in counties that are giving us a hard time have in most cases found if they just go to the Safeway or King Soopers pharmacy and search for available spots, the acupuncturists are being given the vaccine.
If you still have trouble, here is the link to the CDPHE documenting professions who should be in Phase 1A and 1B. While acupuncturists and chiropractors are not listed specifically, it clearly states that this is just a guideline and not all professions who should be vaccinated are included.

CDC, State and County Guidelines on Known Exposures at Clinics
We are receiving more and more reports of health clinics (not necessarily acupuncture clinics) giving incorrect information to patients after a known exposure.
While we acknowledge it can be very confusing and personal, there are clear guidelines that must be followed if you, as a healthcare professional, becomes infected. Please know what your county is recommending. Here are the current State and CDC recommendations:
Thank you for keeping you and your patients safe. Acupuncturists in general are doing great. We must be extra cautious, not only to keep all our patients and families safe, but also because this is the year of our Practice Act and Scope of Practice Review. If one of us messes up, it could reflect on all of us and possibly result in more onerous reporting and infection control being included into law for us.

Legislative Update:
The initial report to DORA to begin the review stage of our Practice Act was submitted the past Monday. We will now meet with both acupuncture stakeholders (acupuncturists, schools, and national organizations) as well as external stakeholders to get feedback. DORA will be doing the same. Please stay tuned for specific updates. Again, we are looking for member volunteers. If you have interest please contact the AAC.
Additionally we are working on getting acupuncturists who are qualified to do injections to get on the list to be cross trained to give vaccines. This has been a challenge but we are making progress. So please be patient if this is something you would like to do or contact the AAC if you would like to work on this.

The CO Secretary of State recently announced an Additional Paycheck Protection Program Resources Available for Colorado Businesses
The U.S. SBA recently re-opened the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for new borrowers and certain existing PPP borrowers. Updated PPP guidance outlining Program changes to enhance its effectiveness and accessibility was released on January 6 in accordance with the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Venues Act.
The first step in accessing these forgivable loans is to prepare the materials necessary to apply. That includes confirming your eligibility, gathering the necessary records (payroll, rent, utilities, tax and bank records) and estimating the eligible amount of your forgivable loan.
For additional details on the Paycheck Protection Program’s forgivable loans and a comprehensive list of state and federal resources available for Colorado’s businesses, visit https://oedit.colorado.gov/covid19#ppp. Please check the website frequently, as the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade will be making updates as a hotline and new information becomes available.

The next Board meeting is this coming Sunday, January 24th at 10 am.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Thank you to everyone’s ongoing support in the King Sooper’s Community Reward Program! Every little bit counts.
If you don’t know, you can earn money for the AAC when you use your loyalty card at King Soopers or City Market. You, your family, and your friends can all help raise money for the AAC just by doing the shopping you already do
Register your rewards card from King Soopers or City Market to the AAC Non-Profit Organization (NPO, number AP717), and the AAC will earn cash for purchases. As you can se above, the AAC has earned over $400 in the last quarter!
It only takes a few moments to set it up. Here’s how:
Sign into your Kings Soopers/City Market account. New users please create an account.
Look for King Soopers Community Rewards (or City Market) selection under the MENU > SAVINGS> KING SOOPERS COMMUNITY REWARDS tab.
Search for the Acupuncture Association of Colorado either by name or AP717 and click enroll.
Phone app
Sign into your Kings Soopers/City Market account on the phone app.
Tap the 3 bars menu tab on the upper right. Tap Rewards. Tap Community Rewards.
Follow the instructions for enrollment. Search for the Acupuncture Association of Colorado either by name or AP717 and click enroll.
Easy-peasy. It’s free money for the AAC that doesn’t cost you anything.
The AAC thanks you!
For any questions contact the AAC at 303.572.8744 or email info@acucol.com
Our mission is to advance the profession of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine as an integral component of health care in Colorado.